Black Hole


What is black hole? Know formation of black hole and type of black hole.

Black holes refer to a portion of space-time that exhibits a gravitational force so strong in nature that nothing, not particles, even electromagnetic radiation in the form of light cannot escape According to the theory of relativity shows that a sufficiently dense mass can distort the spacetime used to create a black hole. The boundary of the region from which no light can escape is called the event horizon, also known as the “point of no return”.

Black holes are extremely dense in nature, and gravity is so strong that even light can approach it and disappear. The term 'black hole' was coined by American astronomer John Wheeler in 1967. The first black hole was discovered in 1971 while the first black hole image was released in 2019 by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). in. Cooperation. Black holes are known to have three main properties: 1) Mass 2) Electrical charge and. 3) Angular momentum, also known as spin.

It is generally believed that all black holes have a slight rotation in their nature. In the case of a star black hole, cut out the star's conservation of angular momentum.


A star is a collection of a large number of hydrogen atoms. These hydrogen atoms combine to form helium in the star and release a lot of energy in the process. This free energy is a gas that pushes the gravitational field and therefore maintains the delicate equilibrium between gravitational and free energy As long as the merger process continues in the star, it remains stable. Stars much larger than the sun build up heavier elements in their cores due to pressure and heat in their cores that eventually produce iron. Until a critical point is reached, iron continues to build up in the center of the core, suddenly disturbing the gravity-air balance causing the core to collapse which then bursts and releases more material into the core when traveling at one quarter relative to the speed of light. At this time all the heavy elements of the universe are created.

When a star at the end of its life cycle runs out of core thermonuclear fuel, it becomes unstable and then gravitationally collapses inward on itself, causing the outer layers of the star to collapse . The remnants of the star fall from all sides and compress the already dying star until it reaches a point where the star has zero mass and infinite density, known as a singularity Depending on the mass, the star becomes a neutron star or black hole when it dies in a supernova explosion. Any object closer to the event horizon appears red

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