An Electron. proton , neutron & deuteron



Here's a summary of the fundamental particles and the deuteron:

1. Electron:

   - Nature: Fundamental particle, not composed of smaller particles.

   - Charge: Negative (-1 elementary charge).

   - Mass: Approximately 9.109 times 10^{-31} kilograms (about 1/1836 of a proton's mass).

   - Role: Orbits the nucleus of an atom and is involved in chemical bonding and electricity.

2. Proton:

   - Nature: Composite particle, made up of three quarks (two up quarks and one down quark).

   - Charge: Positive (+1 elementary charge).

   - Mass : Approximately 1.673 times 10^{-27} kilograms.

   - Role: Found in the nucleus of an atom and determines the element's identity (atomic number).

3. Neutron:

   - Nature: Composite particle, made up of three quarks (one up quark and two down quarks).

   - Charge: Neutral (no charge).

   - Mass: Approximately 1.675 times 10^{-27} kilograms (slightly more than a proton).

   - Role: Found in the nucleus of an atom, contributes to the atomic mass, and stabilizes the nucleus.

4. Deuteron:

   - Nature: Nucleus of deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen).

   - Composition: One proton and one neutron.

   - Charge: Positive (+1 elementary charge, same as a proton).

   - Mass: Approximately 3.343 times 10^{-27} kilograms.

   - Role: Used in nuclear fusion reactions and as a tracer in scientific research.

These particles form the basic building blocks of matter, with electrons surrounding the nucleus, which is made up of protons and neutrons. The deuteron, specifically, is used in various applications such as nuclear reactors and research into nuclear fusion.

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