Parts of Speech

 What is part of speech?

Human uses different-different languages to express their feelings. These languages have sentences which make a complete sense, and these sentences are made up of words. Every sentence of the languages have a specific arrangement and order of these words. To understand the relationship and proper applications of these words, they are divided in language forms called parts of Speech.

Part of speech:  There are eight kinds of part of speech.

1) Noun
2) Pronoun
3) Adjective
4) Verb
5) Adverb
6) Preposition
7) Conjunction
8) Interjection

1) Noun : A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. 
Example: Ram, Kolkata, Dog etc.

2) Pronoun:-  It is a word used in place of noun.
Example:- He ,She, We , It etc.

3) Adjective :-  The word which shows the quality of any 'Noun' or 'Pronoun' is called adjective.
Example:- smart, black, green, cold etc.

4) Verb :- A verb is a word showing what somebody or something does or what the state is of any Noun or pronoun is called verb.
Example:- sleeps, rises running etc.

5) Adverb:-  The word which says about the quality of any verb, adjective or other Adverb is said to be Adverb.
Example:- Very, fast, early etc.

6) Preposition :- The word which describes the relation between Noun or pronoun with another Noun or pronoun is said to be preposition.
Example:- under, behind, on etc.

7) Interjection:- These are those words which show sudden emotions or feelings ( grief, surprise ,joy etc.). 
Example:- Hurrah! ,Oh! ALAS! etc. 

8) Conjunction:- A conjunction is a part of speech that serves to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Conjunctions are used to join elements within a sentence, providing coherence and cohesion to the overall structure. They can express relationships such as addition, contrast, cause and effect, and condition. 
Examples :- "and," "but," "or," "so," "yet," and "because."

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